SQL Server Performance Toolkit
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Your kit will include:
- Educational Webinar with SQL Expert, Joey D’Antoni, Senior Architect and SQL Server MVP: Improving SQL Server Virtual Machine Storage Performance
- Best Practice Guide: 6 Best Practices to Improve SQL Query Performance
- Free Tool: Identify your most troublesome SQL servers with the Condusiv I/O Assessment Tool.

2X SQL Performance
7 out of 10 customers purchase Condusiv’s DymaxIO to solve SQL server application performance troubles. Customers simply install DymaxIO on their troublesome SQL servers and performance problems disappear. No new hardware, no rip-and-replace nightmares – just a no-reboot software install.
DymaxIO fixes 2 severe I/O inefficiencies that cause SQL timeouts, crashes, and slows.
DymaxIO’s IntelliWrite® patented technology eliminates small, fractured I/Os caused by Windows splitting files into multiple write operations.
DymaxIO’s IntelliMemory® patented technology reduces read I/Os from storage by caching hot data server-side. Reads are cached right at VM level from otherwise-idle, available DRAM. Not only does this enormously decrease the I/O latency time, but it also decreases the I/O traffic to the storage unit, thus freeing up the storage bandwidth for other work.
Case Studies:
Admiral Metals Doubles SQL Throughput with Condusiv’s I/O Reduction Software
ASL Cuts Hours From SQL Batch Jobs with Condusiv’s I/O Acceleration Software
Alvernia University Doubles Performance of SQL Application with Condusiv I/O Reduction Software
Construction Company Deploys Condusiv Software to Improve Speed on Citrix and SQL Applications
Cultech Limited Solves ERP and SQL Troubles with Condusiv
Telestream Solves MS Exchange Timeouts and Boosts SQL with Condusiv’s I/O Reduction Software
Case Management Solutions Turns to V-locity I/O Reduction Software to Solve Slow MS-SQL Performance
Community Hospital Speeds EHR and SQL Applications with Condusiv’s I/O Reduction Software