Condusiv Technologies Blog


Which Processes are Using All of My System Resources?

Over time as more files and applications are added to your system, you notice that performance has degraded, and you want to find out what is causing it. A good starting point is to see how the system resources are being used and which processes and/or files are using them. [...]

Fix SQL Server Storage Bottlenecks

No SQL code changes. No Reboots. No Disruption. Simple! Introduction to DymaxIO™ fast data software for SQL Whether running SQL in a physical or virtualized environment, most SQL DBAs would welcome faster storage at a reasonable price. The DymaxIO fast data software (Diskeeper®, SSDkeeper®, and V-locity® are now DymaxIO) from [...]

By |April 28th, 2018|Categories: SQL Server, Windows Servers|0 Comments

Condusiv Smashes the I/O Performance Gap with New V-locity 7.0, Diskeeper 18, and SSDkeeper 2.0

Condusiv is pleased to announce the release of V-locity® 7.0, Diskeeper® 18, and SSDkeeper 2.0 that smash the I/O Performance Gap on Windows servers and PCs as growing volumes of data continue to outpace the ability of underlying server and storage hardware to meet performance SLAs on mission critical workloads [...]

By |April 6th, 2018|Categories: Diskeeper, V-locity, Virtualization|10 Comments

MS-SQL Performance Woes Worsen Despite Massive Hardware Investments, Survey Confirms

We just completed our 4th annual I/O Performance Survey from 870 IT Professionals. This is one of the industry’s largest studies of its kind and reveals the latest trends in applications driving performance demands, and how IT Professionals are responding. The survey results consist of 20 detailed questions designed to [...]

By |February 26th, 2018|Categories: Application Performance, SQL Server, V-locity, Virtualization|1 Comment

Condusiv Addresses Concerns about the Intel CPU Security Flaw

Since the news broke on the Intel CPU security flaw, we have fielded customer concerns about the potential impact to our software and worries of increased contention for CPU cycles if less CPU power1 is available after the patches issued by affected vendors.Let us first simply state there is no overhead [...]

By |January 8th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Condusiv Addresses Concerns about the Intel CPU Security Flaw

I’m a MEDITECH Hospital with SSDs, Is FAL Growth Still an Issue that Risks Downtime?

Now that many MEDITECH hospitals have gone all-flash for their backend storage, one of the most common questions we field is whether or not there is still downtime risk from the File Attribute List (FAL) growth issue if the data physically lives on solid-state drives (SSDs). The main reason this [...]

The Revolution of Our Technology

I chose to use the word “Revolution” instead of “Evolution” because, with all due modesty, our patented technology has been more a series of leaps to stay ahead of performance-crushing bottlenecks. After all, our company purpose as stated by our Founder, Craig Jensen, is: “The purpose of our company is [...]

The Tsunami of Data is Swamping IT

There’s a storm brewing and chances are, it’s going to hit your data center or cloud site. It’s the tsunami of data that is washing over the IT world and it is just going to get worse. That’s because there is an insatiable demand for data: big data, ERP, CRM, [...]

Diskeeper Administrator Quick Start Guide

Here's the situation: Sluggish application performance on one or more of your Windows servers had become so bad as to require intervention. You purchased a license for Condusiv® Diskeeper Server and observed such an amazing performance improvement that you want to deploy Diskeeper® on all your physical servers. "But how [...]

Case Management Solutions Turns to V-locity I/O Reduction Software to Solve Slow MS-SQL Performance

A little more than a year ago, Case Management Solutions reached out to Dealflow, a Condusiv® Authorized Reseller, about getting help in finding a solution for what had become a notoriously slow application sitting on MS-SQL supported by NAS storage. “If a file was 50 pages long, I would sit [...]

By |July 27th, 2017|Categories: Application Performance, V-locity|1 Comment

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Diskeeper, V-locity & SSDkeeper are now DymaxIO fast data performance software. Whether on-premises or in the Cloud, DymaxIO returns 40%+ of your throughput that is robbed due to I/O inefficiencies. Fix issues at the source and get your speed back now with new DymaxIO.