Soon to be released is a new major version of Undelete. I have been able to preview a pre-release version of this new Undelete and wanted to share the new enhancements. These changes were driven from current Undelete customer feedback looking for further improvement of the product. In a later blog, I will go into each new feature in more detail, but for now, I just wanted to briefly list some of these new features that will be soon available to you.
Ø New User Interface: Undelete now has a familiar File Explorer-like interface that is easy to navigate, which makes it easy to find and recover deleted files.
o The interface is also much faster and more responsive than before.
o A Drag and Drop feature has been added to easily recover local files from the Undelete Recovery Bin.
Ø Expanded File version protection: In previous Undelete editions, the popular ‘Versioning’ feature was limited to just Microsoft Office files. This versioning protection has been expanded to other file types. This means that if you accidently save a new version of a file with incorrect changes, Undelete can help you go back to the previous version to recover from those unwanted changes.
Ø Enhance Search Wizard: Expanded search capabilities have been added to help find the user’s deleted files in instances where the user cannot recall the name of the file or where it was located. This includes wild card names search capabilities, plus deleted date ranges, plus who deleted the file.
Ø Inclusion List: For those users who only want specific deleted folders, file names, or file types to be protected, they can now specify them with this inclusion list capability.
Ø Cloud Support: The Common Recovery Bin can now be stored or located in the cloud using OneDrive and other hosting capabilities. This has several benefits, including saving space on your local storage, plus protecting these recovery files from security threats like ransomware.
I look forward to our customers using this new and improved release of Undelete.
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