Our products have largely been built from customers (and trialware users) telling us what they need and want in new products and new versions of existing solutions. We get mountains of valuable user feedback through our employees who work directly with customers including; our sales reps, our customer service staff, and our tech support team. That all channels back to product management, and eventually over to the developers to build into new technologies.

If you have ideas or requests you’d like to see us build for you in the future there is an easily accessible way to tell us.

A few versions back, we introduced a feature in Diskeeper. You can access it from the Menu Bar [Action – Diskeeper Feedback].


That selection will take you to our online feedback form:


There are a few drop down selection to help categorize your suggestion, and then some open fields to share your idea(s). Everyone is welcome to submit, and all ideas are reviewed.

Please do keep in mind that this is for feedback for future development, and is not a support line for assistance. Please use the standard support lines if you need immediate help.

We look forward to hearing from you.